We passionately believe in working with families to see our children grow closer to God.
We run a full programme of children's and youth groups during the 11:00 and 4:00 services every Sunday.
Children start in church with the adults before heading out for their groups.
0-3 yEARS oLD
The crèche is available during every service in the chapel at the back of church and is full of toys to play with. To ensure that you don't have to miss the service there is a screen relaying the service from the church so you can still hear and see what's going on.
Children’s groups
3-7 yEARS oLD (Nursery to Year 2)
7-11 yEARS oLD (Years 3-6)
Our groups include a range of activities to help children to learn more about God and engage with the Bible in a fun way. Activities include stories, games, crafts, drama, discussion and interactive prayers.
Babies and Toddlers
Oasis is our toddler group for children from birth to preschool and their parents/carers. It’s a great place for you and your children to make friends and meet new people.
Oasis meets on Thursdays during term time from 10am-11.30am in the church. £1 per family per week.